Carly Humphrey

I remember when I first came to 902 Church.

My best friend Bryce invited me to SM for their Halloween night. From the moment I walked in through the doors I saw that it was different.

I had been to church before. But towards the end of my junior year I strayed away. Every day I kept getting further and further away from God. Soon I just felt numb to everything. I was cold to many people and I started shutting people out. I would get hurt really easily by what others would say and I didn't feel happy. My heart felt empty.

My first night at SM everyone greeted me and talked to me. I will never forget the sermon that was preached that night. It was Halloween and Pastor Tim talked about how we all have monsters in our life that we try to keep inside. He said in doing so we actually destroy ourselves. But Jesus sacrificed and died for us so then we wouldn't have to carry these monsters and the weight all by ourselves.
Carly Humphrey
I had been carrying so much by myself. I had so many monsters I kept inside: jealousy, anger, bitterness, resentment. At the end of the service, Tim asked those who were dealing with their own monsters to raise their hands. And I raised mine. I stood up and was prayed over by leaders. I felt so much love radiating all around me. I felt the presence of God.

Coming to 902 Church changed my life. I felt like I belonged here.

Looking back I am thankful that God brought me through what He did. He led me to 902 and has given me the opportunity to speak life into others. 902 Church showed me what it means to go out and find—and love—the one. My goal is to find someone and bring them to know the one who brought happiness back into my life: Jesus Christ!

- Carly Humphrey

If you've met Jesus, you've got a story to share. Stories are about change, and Jesus is all about changing lives.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of sharing your story. Perhaps you've told yourself "it's not exciting enough" or "it's too complicated." The truth is sharing your story is as simple as telling people what God has done for you. That was the approach the apostle Paul used. In Acts 22 and Acts 26, Paul told his story in about 500 words — 2 to 3 minutes at normal speaking pace.

Your story can be a powerful way to give God the praise He deserves and to help others draw closer to Him.