Ever number has a name. Every name has a story. Every story matters to God

Amie's Story

Amie grew up in a loving home, but she quickly found herself struggling in a life full of lies. The lies ultimately lead her down a path of drinking and taking prescription pills, costing her not only relationships but also her job. But when she got help and found Jesus, her whole life changed.

Crystal Beiner

Crystal was told she could never have kids. After years of trying everything from fertility treatments to medications, she gave up trying. She hated church. But after coming to 902 Church and giving her life to Jesus, everything changed.

David Rouse

David was born and raised in church, but the decisions of others pulled him away from the church and God. Over the years he started to turn to bullying and even alcohol and drugs. When everything left him feeling empty, David eventually turned back to the church. And that's when he met Jesus.

Carly Humphrey

"I had been to church before. But towards the end of my junior year I strayed away. Every day I kept getting further and further away from God. Soon I just felt numb to everything."

Read Carly's Story

Candi Holtzclaw

Candi had $55 to her name and felt like God wanted her to try tithing. After sitting in her car wrestling with God,  she ended up trusting Him and gave it all in an offering. What happened next changed her perspective on giving forever.

Casey Moseby

"I was 5 or 6 when I first felt like I wasn't wanted. I was considered a mistake and was passed around between family members until I entered foster care where I was raped. Even when I felt alone, God was with me and had a plan. This is my story."

Justin Willoughby

"I was struggling to fit in somewhere, I wanted to belong to something. I remember singing the song Reckless Love in church talking about the reckless love of and God and how He’s in constant pursuit of us…it reminded me of how I was the one."

Kim Benton

"Outwardly, everything in my life would have looked perfect to somebody looking in. But on the inside I knew I wasn’t happy and something was missing."

Noah Brewer

"I was raised in a Christian household but about halfway through elementary school we stopped going to church. As time went on I started dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts..."

If you've met Jesus, you've got a story to share. Stories are about change, and Jesus is all about changing lives.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of sharing your story. Perhaps you've told yourself "it's not exciting enough" or "it's too complicated." The truth is sharing your story is as simple as telling people what God has done for you. That was the approach the apostle Paul used. In Acts 22 and Acts 26, Paul told his story in about 500 words — 2 to 3 minutes at normal speaking pace.

With a little preparation, your story can be a powerful way to give God the praise He deserves and to help others draw closer to Him.